15 March 2009

Status Update

Currently hanging out in the kitchen with the netbook after child #1 got bored of HSM3 (thank the lord) and decided to resort to the Playhouse Disney website to do some drawing.

Well it is a slow process and I did not manage to get the job I was really after at the time. Very disappointing. It took a few days of grouchy behaviour to get over. But I am now firmly back into the game again and next week sees a new week of job hunting. Hopefully things will start to look up.

I spent the morning at the inlaws trying to find their install of MS Office (done) so they could write a letter. Install the completely brilliant and fit for purpose Spotify which worked and fix their DVD player (was not connected to the TV correctly after they had their SkyHD installed).

Online Life
Was impressed over the last week at the response of Monster as I proceeded to log in after 5 years and find my account suspended but the speed of the their online support was very good. I set my expectations low on websites until they earn my trust. Not that I trust Monster to find me a suitable job. But you never know.

I am still battling with the absolutely brilliant Remember the Milk ToDo website. Why am I battling? Well all I want is my actions to drop into my calendar on my iPhone via Google Calendar. Yes I have the RTM iPhone app but its the discipline of opening that every morning to check it. I would prefer to see separate events in the iPhone (and thus google calendar). What did suddenly make sense is that from Tweetdeck or indeed any twitter client including the web I can send ToDo's as tweets to RTM which then adds the ToDo's to the list. Very powerful especially if you spend time in the twitterverse.

Talking of which I still cannot work out which is better to use Tweetdeck or Twhirl. I like both. I think they are both very clever. Currently Tweetdeck is winning purely from a multi-column aspect. But I have a feeling Twhirl can do this as well and i have been playing with the Friendfeed login via Twhirl. Friendfeed is something I have yet not had time to play with properly to understand and how it can simplify my social media aspect of my life (if at all).

Well gotta go and play this afternoon in the park. Catch you soon.



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